Association Statutes
Scandinavian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (SFOMK)
§ 1
The association, which founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 20, 1965, which aims to promote development in the subject area of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Scandinavia – in this context Scandinavia the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – by :
A. promoting and coordinating training of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the Nordic countries.
B. promoting research in oral and maxillofacial surgery;
C. spreading information on oral and maxillofacial surgery by Scandinavian meetings, through the lectures and courses to the local associations within the subject area and encouraging publication of articles on oral and maxillofacial surgery, either through the issuance of self-publication or otherwise;
D. supporting the established specialties in oral and maxillofacial surgery in the Scandinavian countries and promote coordination of the requirements for the specialist;
E. promote international cooperation.
§ 2
The association consists of ordinary and associate members and honorary members.
A. Regular Member.
As a full member can only persons be adopted who are specialist or under specialist training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, or Sweden. Only full member may be elected as member of the board or other positions of the association.
B. Associate Member.
As associate member can persons be elected who have shown special interest in the subject area. Associate member may not vote and cannot be selected to elements of the association, but is eligible to participate in the association’s conferences, and may receive the association’s messages.
§ 3
Election of Member
A. Regular Member
Anyone who wishes to ordinary membership shall meet the requirements of Section 2A. The Board decides on the election.
B. Associate Member
Anyone who wishes to associate membership shall meet the requirements of Section 2B. The Board decides on the election.
C. Honorary Member
Each member may propose the election of honorary member. The case was prepared in which the Board unanimously to submit proposals for election at the General Assembly.
§ 4
Affiliation and accounts
The membership fee for the coming year is set by the ordinary General Assembly following a proposal from the Board.
§ 5
A. Regular or Associate Member who for more than two years remain with the payment of annual fees that are required, ceases to be a member of the association. The persons who have retired, may, on application, be exempted from membership dues.
B. The financial year is the period from January 1 to December 31.
C. The accounts audited by two of the General Assembly elected auditors and is put forward for discharge in the subsequent General Assembly.
§ 6
Cessation of membership
Membership expires after notice to the secretary.
§ 7
A. The Board is exercising its authority, consisting of nine members, one of whom serves as president. Each of the countries Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden will be represented by two members and Iceland one member.
B. The Presidential term of office is four years and may be extended for two years for exceptional reasons. The Board proposes the candidate for the office of president. The election of President must be approved by the Annual General Assembly which can reject the board’s proposal if the majority of the present members vote against.
C. Of the members of the board elected a Congress President for two years and is responsible for the implementation of the association’s upcoming congress in his home country. The Congress President is elected continuously from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland.
D. In addition to the president is elected directors for a term of two years and be eligible for reappointment. Among these select the board, a secretary, and a treasurer.
E. The secretary is responsible for Board administration and tax champ of the association’s finances.
F. President and Treasurer to sign individually the association.
G. Members of the Board proposed by the Board in consultation with national associations. The choice is made at the General Assembly. It should be sought that the members may well represent the total activity in the field of study.
H. The Board meets at least once annually. The president may, on its own initiative or on request from at least three board members call a special meeting. The Board is a quorum, provided that one member from each of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden present at the meeting. In the event that any country has no representation, the written statement obtained from a board member from that country, before deciding to apply.
I. Minutes shall be taken of all association meetings and shall be adjusted before the decision becomes effective unless otherwise specified in the protocol.
J. The Board may appoint committees to consider specific tasks.
§ 8
General Assembly
A. The Annual General Assembly will be held at least every two years.
B. Extraordinary General Assembly can be convened, if the Board so decides or if at least one quarter of the members in writing urge this. Such extraordinary General Assembly shall then be held within three months.
C. Notice of the General Assembly must be at least 30 days before the meeting stating the place, time, and agenda.
D. General Assembly quorum if it is duly published.
E. Voting is open unless the President or at least three members request a secret ballot.
F. Each member has one vote. Associate member may not vote. Voting by proxy cannot be done.
G. When a tie is the President’s casting vote.
§ 9
It should be pursued to the Congress held in connection with the General Assembly. Main Theme and budget must be approved by the Board. Congress held in the Congress-President’s homeland. Financial statements must be made within six months after Congress and should be revised by the association’s appointed auditors.
§ 10
The association’s undoing
Proposal about the withdrawals can only be put to the General Assembly. If this proposal is adopted by a majority of the current members, an extraordinary General Assembly convened, will take place at least one but not more than two months later. On this occasion, required three-fourths majority for the proposal to be adopted.
The same General Assembly must decide how its assets will be used in the event of its undoing.