The Scandinavian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


The Scandinavian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


The Scandinavian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


The Scandinavian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


The Scandinavian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


Chairman of the board, President

Mikael Magnusson, Sweden

Secretary to the board

Jon Bård Alvsaker, Norway


Janne Ollikainen, Finland

Members of the board:

Carina Krüger Weiner, Sweden

Guðmundur Ásgeir Björnsson, Iceland

Janek Dalsgaard Jensen, Denmark

Milla Huuhka, Finland

Michael Skøien With, Denmark

Torbjørn Pedersen, Norway


Jon Bård Alvsaker, Secretary to the board, balvsake@online.no

Dental degree from the University of Oslo 1988
Master of Public Health form University of Tromsø 1991
Specialist in Oral Surgery from University of Oslo 2000
Worked as oral surgeon at Sørlandet Sykehus, Arendal from 2000 to 2022
Now working in private practice for Colosseum in Kristiansand

Several nationally and internationally courses in implant surgery, traumatology, ortognatic surgery and TMD.

Former board member of NFOKOM

Guðmundur Ásgeir Björnsson, Board member, gudmab@lifsteinn.is

Dr. Guðmundur Ásgeir Björnsson graduated as cand odont. from the Odontology department of the University of Iceland in 1988. Specialist degree in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of Oslo, Norway from 1990 to 1995 and completed his doctorate degree from the same university in 2004. Guðmundur has run his practise in Reykjavík since 1994. He was an assistant professor at the Odontology department at the university of Iceland from 2006 to 2011. Björnsson works as oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Landspitali university hospital, Iceland from 1998 to this day. He worked as an assistant professor of the graduate school in oral and maxillofacial surgery department of the Odontology university of Oslo, Norway from 2016 to 2020. 


Janek Dalsgaard Jensen, Board member, jdj@rn.dk

DDS, Aarhus University, Dental School 1991.
Master Public Governance, Aalborg University, 2017.
OMF Specialist education at Aalborg and Aarhus University Hospital, 2000-2005.
Consultant OMF, Aalborg University Hospital, 2005-2013.
Head OMF, Aalborg University Hospital, 2014-.
Member of the Board of SFOMK since 2013.
Member of the Board of DSOMK (Danish association) since 2010.


Milla Huuhka, Board member, milla.huuhka@gmail.com

DDS Turku university 2014
OMF specialist Turku university hospital 2017-2024
Orofacial pain and TMD master’s program Siena university, Italy (under graduate) 2024-26

Satakunta central hospital 2017-2019, -24
Turku university hospital 2020-2024, -24
Private practice 2013-2017, -22

Carina Krüger Weiner, Board member,


Mikael Magnusson, Chairman of the board, magnusson.mikael@telia.com

Dentals studies at Karolinska institite 1983-1987
Specialist training at Karolinska hospital 1999-2003
Uppsala university hospital 2003-2021, Private practice 2016-
President in Swedish association of omfs 2011-2016
Member of the board of the Swedish register of orthognatic surgery.
Member of the board of SFOMK since 2019, President SFOMK 2022-


Janne Ollikainen, Board member, Treasurer, jmollikainen@gmail.com

Janne has studied odontology at Umeå University and graduated as a dentist in 1999. He worked for a few years in Sweden before he moved back home to Finland in 2001. In 2004 he started to work at Vaasa Central Hospital maxillofacial surgery outpatient clinic as a part of his specialization and he received his specialist degree in oral and maxillofacial surgery in March 2010 from the University of Oulu. Currently, he works as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Vasa Central Hospital but also partly as a private practitioner.

Janne havs been a member of the Sfomk board since the congress in Oslo 2010. The first three years as a board member and the last 10 years as the association’s treasurer.


Michael Skøien With, Board member, mswith@ddf.dk

DDS, Royal Copenhagen Dental School 1983
Master of Public Management (MPM), University of Southern Denmark 2003
OMF Specialist training at Aalborg University Hospital and Rigshospitalet 2000-2005
Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital and Rigshospitalet 2006-2011
Head Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Zealand University Hospital 2012-2021
Senior Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Copenhagen University hospital 2021-

Member of the Board of SFOMK since 2013, Past Congress President 2015.



Torbjørn Pedersen, Board member, Torbjorn.Pedersen@uib.no

Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, torbjorn.pedersen@uib.no is a graduated dentist from the University of Bergen, Norway. He defended his PhD on the topic of stem cells and bone regeneration in 2013. He completed his residency in 2019 at has since been a consultant surgeon at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway. From 2021 he is also Associate Professor at the University of Bergen. His main research interest is bone regeneration and he is actively involved in teaching of undergraduate students and surgical residents. He is a board member of SFOMK since 2024.